News | Apr 12, 2023

Co-creating innovative skills development solutions to foster decent employment

Co-creating innovative skills development solutions to foster decent employment

Vocational Education and Training (VET) Toolbox is an international facility co-funded by the European Union and the German Government (BMZ). It aims to improve the effectiveness of VET systems by making them more opportunity-driven, turning investments into drivers for inclusive economic growth, social development, and decent job creation.

VET Toolbox is co-implemented by five leading European cooperation agencies: Enabel, Expertise France, GIZ, LuxDev, and the British Council. These agencies have joined into one consortium with a joint objective and a shared vision, paving the way for future Team Europe Initiatives. This ecosystem based on collaboration is a key strength of VET Toolbox and reinforces its capacity for innovation.

In the spirit of the consortium and of Team Europe, the new VET Toolbox website aims at gathering the fruits of this innovative interagency collaboration into one place:

The website compiles the knowledge products produced by the implementing agencies in the framework of VET Toolbox, and users can find resources (such as tools, guides, reports, videos, etc.) developed by key international experts on Vocational Education and Training (VET).  


Creating value at the local level through an opportunity-driven approach

VET Toolbox is now in its second phase of implementation and focuses on opportunity-driven actions aiming to accompany European investments (including EIP) in 11 selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa through improved availability of skilled manpower, ensuring maximum employment impact.   

Here are a few examples of ongoing projects:

  • Nigeria: Skills 4 Riders

To address the skills gaps in Nigeria and to maximize the economic potential of the sector, VET Toolbox aims at professionalizing delivery service operators, by offering courier riders in the gig economy the opportunity to learn relevant operational and business skills for their professional growth, long-term employability, and personal development.

Implementing agency: GIZ / Read more 


  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC): responding to skills needs in construction, logistics, hotels/catering, and digital technology

Based on a prospective market analysis of employment and labor needs in the sector economic, this VET Toolbox project aims to create a more structured collaboration between the actors of the VET system and companies with European capital in the following sectors: construction and public works, transport and logistics, hotels and restaurants, and digital technology.

Implementing agency: Enabel / Read more 


  • Senegal: AGEVEC Senegal Academy Heavy Vehicles and Commercial Vehicles

This VET Toolbox project aims to strengthen the technical capacities of companies’ personnel (continuous and initial training) and facilitate the integration of young people in the professions of driving and maintenance of heavy machinery (sustainable agriculture, rural entrepreneurs, and agroindustry sectors in particular).

Implementing agency: LuxDev / Read more


  • Republic of the Congo: VET and job insertion in strategic sectors

VET Toolbox is supporting the efforts to diversify Congo’s economy and support strategic sectors in their development through targeted actions to address the skills gap and equip the local workforce with the needed skills demanded by the private sector. Through its action, VET Toolbox seeks to support the private sector development by targeting and responding to its training needs.

Implementing agency: Expertise France / Read more


We invite you to listen to a few words about representatives from VET Toolbox partner agencies: 

For more information, please contact:  
