About Us

We are the leading network of European Development Cooperation experts, composed of 25 Members from 19 countries spanning across the continent.

Our work focuses on building knowledge through exchanges, coordination and harmonisation and by providing feedback on policies from a practitioners’ perspective.

As practitioners, our Members have vast knowledge of implementing joint projects worldwide.

We share information and discuss experiences and synergies, addressing operational issues and making recommendations.

Members and Associates are pillar-assessed – or in the process of being pillar-assessed – by the European Commission.

Who we are © Enabel/Kristof Vadino
Our History © LuxDev/Nguyen Huu Thong - VIE

Our History

Europe-based, worldwide presence.

Founded in 2007, the Practitioners’ Network for European Development Cooperation is an open platform for exchange, coordination and harmonisation between European Development Cooperation organisations. Members use the platform to share their experiences and reflect on joint efforts in implementation.

By providing feedback on European international cooperation policies from a practitioners’ perspective, the network contributes to the coherence and complementarity of European development cooperation efforts. It encourages an integrated, pluralistic, innovative, pragmatic and efficient approach in implementing European international cooperation programmes.

Together, its Members strive for effective delivery of international cooperation.

The Practitioners’ Network is governed by a Charter and is constituted by the General Assembly of all Members. One or two Members, based on an annual rotating process, hold the (co-)Presidency. A Steering Committee of six Members, including the (co-)Presidency and a Coordination Team, supports the (co-)Presidency and the network´s activities. The budget of the Practitioners’ Network is based entirely on Members' contributions.

For more information about the network in a few words, you can check the PN Presentation and the PN at a glance.

Our Annual Report 2022-2023 also provides background on the actions, structure and work of the Practitioners' Network.

How we work

Our structure and operations are set out in the Charter of the practitioners’ Network for European Development Cooperation. The network has a Steering Committee, Troika, Working Groups, Task Forces and General Assembly.

  • Steering Committee: Holds meetings once every three months and is composed of the three Members that hold the previous, current and future network (co)-Presidency and three other Members appointed by the General Assembly.
  • Troika: Composed of the previous, current and future (co-)Presidency.
  • Working Groups and Task Forces: Made up of the Practitioners’ Network’s Members, with thematic topics developed and voted by the Members taking into account the International Development Cooperation context.
  • General Assembly: Entrusted with establishing the Practitioners' Network strategy, making decisions on the budget and accounts of the network, and other official duties.

Every year, a new Presidency or co-Presidency leads the network and sets out the strategic lines for the year, with the aim of enhancing our synergies and exchanges of experiences.

Governance Structure
Key Documents

Our Members

The Practitioners’ Network is made up of 16 Members, 8 Associates and 1 Observer.

The network is open to all European non-profit national bodies with a public service mission and which directly implement European or bilateral development assistance. The status of Observer is for inter-governmental bodies. The status of Associate can be granted to a European organisation that does not opt for membership or an EU Member State that does not have a development agency.

All Members agree to comply with the objectives, values and commitments of the Practitioners’ Network as set out in its Charter.

Members and Associates are pillar-assessed – or in the process of being pillar-assessed – by the European Commission.